
就活アドバイザー By: 就活アドバイザー | Posted: 2023/10/06

・Walk me through your resume
・Tell me about a time when you had to make a decision in a challenging situation or within a short period of time.
・What has been the biggest challenge in your life, and how did you deal with it?
・Describe a situation when you were not in a leadership position. What was your role, and what actions did you take?
・What do you think the Global Investment Research division does, and are there any macroeconomic themes or topics that you are interested in?
・Tell me about a recent M&A deal and why you thought it was interesting?
・What do asset management firms do and why are you interested in it?

◆<無料相談は今すぐこちらから!>・無料相談でアドバイザーへお繋ぎします・就活、留学、MBA、キャリア、投資、起業等圧勝したい方は今すぐ無料相談!→ [無料相談](https://www.alpha-academy.com/mypage/messages)



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